Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Menterprise Article Generator Walk Though

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Menterprise Article Generator Walk Though

Video Transcript:

All right Paul here with Menterprise that I own just going to give you a quick overview or run through you guys some Menterprise. Okay up here is the seed keyword. Really in all fairness, you don't need to go anywhere to get articles. You don't have to do any research, you just need to put in a seed keyword once you've done that and you said, generate you. The system will go out on your behalf, because we've got dedicated servers on your behalf, trying to look for information related to that keyword. Now it can be a local keyword, a national keyword or an international keyword as long as there's some volume with it, our system will actually be able to generate content now each one of these is an article. It's a unique article. Every one of these it's got its own amount of wording and it's got its own set of statements in it, whatever you want it to be okay, so it's all unique now the this area here is modules. Now the modules is what dictates? What comes into these articles? You can do one by one. You can have variants with this article, that's different to that one. This article that's different to those two. As long as you use these modules and we'll go into that in a minute, the options is what dictates what types of articles the length of the article what's search results we're going to use like the search engines?


How many word count it's going to have like down here? I'Ve got 800. That seems to be my normal. I tend to have my articles on regular because for my purposes I tend to use it for math, page building and math link building. So I want really good content rather than some of the other rubbish out there, but I don't want it to take too long, and this is an extremely productive program. This search term here took only 400 seconds to render 14 articles right, they're all unique. It went out to Google dot the time I've got to Google you K, so this is the United Kingdom was where I was searching for on. I can just change that as the area here I like the United Kingdom, for instance, I'm doing all my work into the United Kingdom, even though I reside in Australia, okay, so I can actually modify this if I'm here in Australia, but I want to sell stuff Into the UK it would be best if I use a language or the information that's relevant in the UK. If I want to sell into the American market, I would probably use the dot-com from Australia, so I can modify that as the I can modify that as the country of origin. Okay, I can use different numbers of words to be a created per article 400 seems to be really good for image descriptions in YouTube descriptions.

Menterprise Article Generator - How to Do It Right

I tend to use the 800 for my builds. Some of the users are using 1000 to 1200 and, to be quite blunt, we're finding that from research, not our own research, but from some of these experts in the industry that once you hit around the 2,000 word mark you're not actually getting much more benefit than If it was a 1 to 1200 word, count in your articles now bear in mind too. This is a general very amount like over here. You can see that this 816 808 17 797. Well, that's trying to do is that's what we're trying to build, because that's what you've asked for all right. So this one here you can see that we're trying to get 800 words, but we don't want to break up areas like it's going to try and render a complete sentence and a complete paragraph. We don't want it to get to the bottom here and say: okay now we're at 800 and we're going to drop off that you know it wouldn't make any sense, so we're going to try to keep the integrity of what we're doing.

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Okay. So with these here, you go like here at the very end, we're not getting a lot of information here. So I could say I could use any information this article, but what I'm going to do is I'm just going to hide it, because I don't want to make any mistakes. What I tend to do is when I'm doing my bills as soon as I finish with this article, by the way, it's got a lot of periods, if you just grab this and you resubmit it and Riesman and resubmit it you've got thousands of variances on this Particular article I'll get to the regenerate in a moment I just tend to hide it. If I want it back or some reason I just go over here, I unselected. I don't hide it anymore. I go back here and you can see it's back here this button here. I'Ll show you in a few moments. Alright, so we've done regular. We'Ve gone to the 30 pages on the Serbs, mostly 30 results on the service. We'Re wanting to have around the 800 mark. In our articles and reviews, different search areas all right, so that took 400 seconds to render this that's a lot of pages in a lot of words all randomly created for spintax. Now with this particular area. Here you can copy that that particular article by hitting this, and that would be a flat I'll call it a page right that you could use it for your posts. Alright, it's got the attributes that are in here, but this particular one right now. It would just be an article I can copy it here at HTML or I can copy it here as HTML. This here is the spintax of this article. So if I was to view this, you can see in here, that's all the spintax or that particular article with all the different words or spun through it. Now that's okay, you know now I can be used these articles or whatever I want now.


What Everyone Ought To Know About Menterprise Article Generator

We've also got very readable, for my purposes. Very readable is just going to slow my process down. I don't need it, however, say our graphic artist is using this for instead of getting or paying two hundred to five hundred dollars per article for her post for clients. Now she can use this. It takes a couple of minutes and it's like about 80 to 85 percent of the way there for her. You can spend twenty to thirty minutes. You know just checking it editing it to her purposes rather than taking up to a day and in to be blood. She could have like ten articles in here that she could just choose and charge your clients. You know 50 to $ 100 per article per month and because we're rendering all these this information live. This is not archived information. It'S not stuff! That'S out on the internet that you pay a couple of cents or you scavenge. Somehow it's not what we're trying to do we're trying to create relevant two days, information now up here and headers. Now. This is an area that you can create your titles and also your H tags. So I don't just do. Is I just grab an area here with keywords? I'Ve got a couple of keywords here. I can either hand put type them or put them in here now.


Obviously, I've purposefully created this with errors in it. I can just change that I will just put men. That'S easy now what's going to happen here is, if I say okay to this, and then I preview it and regenerate it that flattened page that only had text your component in it now will have H tags all in the page, with this sort of spin in It so these palaces or long tails or keywords, not just the keyword within the information in a document, but we can force it to go and create a title now. A title could be just this button here, so you just hit that you could put it into your tiles. We'D say a mess link builder and we would just say okay, so this is the article we just hit you to regenerate because we're regenerating this particular article with that attribute there you go and only took what a couple of seconds don't like it like that: okay, I'Ve got it set that it's going to do it every three, so I don't like it every three. So let's change that around. Let'S just move this button. Personally, I like it every two or three so I'll just say: okay use that particular article change.

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Get Going With Menterprise Article Generator

This attributes there it is so it's randomly going to put two or three in there. So now I tend to try and get five to six H tags in the page, and this will automatically do it. I can view the spin text, so I can see the H ones up there. I've got all that textual component all in through here, very very simple, and it what takes a few seconds? I can copy that HTML with all this in here or I can just copy the spintax and put it into my Wow, whatever I'm using it for images love this. I just love this. I'M just going to put a couple of images in here. I tend to use my for my clients, a large number of images that I have on HRD Amazon. S3. Now what I can do is, I can actually see what the image is. I can just go through it and you can see here there's a different image. I'M just going to go through a couple, so I can check here. It is okay, now notice here it's it's blank. What I've told it to do at the moment is just go and put these images randomly within my content, every three or four so I'll just say: mister, Dirie, three or four. So we've got our H tags, it's an image! Okay! Now, to be honest, I don't like it at the top, so I'll just hit regenerate and it will put it in randomly regenerate. You go aren't quite like this sort of not see that one I don't quite like. I can just hit regenerate. It does not count any words up here when you how many times you regenerate or to a reef in okay. That'S pretty good, but to be quite honest, I am thinking I might just do it every for now. You notice that blank space that we saw before we can actually grab these keywords or LSI's with this randomness within here and put it as an alt text and our images. So now we've got attributes that are actually hidden.

So now it's with the schema. So I will just say: okay, we'll just preview that particular one there and there you go. There'S the images but have a look here notice. It'S already done for you, so all QuickStart you don't even have to think about what you're going to put in behind it. It'S already in there. I could go to this one notice. This is just one long bit of content. I can regenerate it with these two attributes in here here you go all done, one two seconds very, very cool videos. As we know, videos are a big deal. So what we can do is we can just Rev our own YouTube videos. It could be a client's YouTube videos we can see. We can just make sure that they're, all okay, you can force them to the top bottom top or bottom is a randomness or random or never at the top. Personally, I don't use these. I tend to like random. So let's have a look. Look at this it. This is the same article with different attributes: this video okay. I don't quite like that I'll just hit again don't mind like that on this video at the bottom, alright or let's go back over here. I don't like my images like that, so on for smear before and my videos, I could have them at the mountains back at the top alright different article. So now we've got thousands and thousands of different variables. Now that would never be the same. The articles that will never have been the same, the the output, will never be the same because now you've got images with alt text in them, videos, etc, images all with everything that you need in them now raw. This is an area that, if you've got a little bit of an understanding, you'll be able to really blitz the competition or at least have a an idea ahead of everybody else.

Things You Should Learn About Menterprise Article Generator

You can just say: I've got a map, for instance, very, very simple, there's a map. I tend to do this again, I'd quite like it at the top. I could have it as an interval every whatever I can have it just. I could just drag this once all I wanted is once or a randomness. You know just put some randomness in there right say: okay now, if I go back to the article now Wow look I've already created 20 different articles. Now the video at the top we've got the map in there told it to us. Obviously I don't read it a couple of times, so I'm just going to put the position random, say: okay, regenerate this article notice, the word count hasn't changed: 316 up there. Okay, that's just a bit of a mess, so let's make it even better. For us, we go to video at the top DISA hastags, some images, this the map, another image, pretty cool, it's not up just my standard at the moment, I'll just go there. Try and that's way, better, all right now with raw. Also, if you do one the map up there, you can, or you can actually add by entering a couple of times the name address and phone number in here as well. Now it needs to have a enter enter in there so that it's separated from the rest of the content. So we'll just say you regenerate.

Alright, we've got a good video up there. Here'S the map, and this the name and address and phone number. Now we could say that most people would tend to want this at the top. So we'll just do that again, we'll grab another article rather than having him at the top. Now we've got the rep and there's the name another video, but to be honest, don't like that, so we've got the map video image here you go pretty quick, now copy the HTML to put it into a post copy there spintax with all these attributes by just Hitting that button now we do have what we would call a redirect now notice. These are pages are slightly different. Now you know they were about. The 800 mark now they're a little bit different, because we've spun them a couple of times. We manage them a little bit different, so they will have different attributes than the ones that were there before redirect. I will warn you on this one. This is only available for expert and extreme users because they obviously know how redirects work and for my purposes, when I'm doing masse, page builds or link building. That scenario would create about a thousand pages and with Google. Maybe a percentage of those will come up on the SERPs, so what we've done is we've said: okay, instead of it just going from page down to another link to another page and another link. What we'll get that? Often the pages that we've created on a tier, 3 or 4, or even a 2 or 1, do get indexed and often ahead of the actual company or the business.

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Top Tips for Menterprise Article Generator

So what we've got here is we'll just say we're going to use a well. Let's make it really random a page, that's on the net at the moment that we can use we'll just put it in here, and it's just about pest control and we'll just say: ok, we'll just grab one of these articles regenerate it now it might flicker for A second and then take us to Wikipedia that's where we told the page to go to Wikipedia okay. Now we can have all now see this is another one. Now, if I've got all this pretty worked out, I went it's already random. It'S you know: headers are every whenever their images whenever I can go through or each one of these here and these articles one by one and attribute them as what I hope, whatever I like now this page here and this page here and this page here, they're All simple in the you know, content what I can do is. I can hit this button up here as we generate all these, so these 14 pages will have all these attributes, which is three seconds so now I've got this page here. It'S going to forward directly to the Wikipedia this one's going to forward to the Wikipedia. If I don't want that one to have this one in here, I can clear it and say: okay, that looks pretty cool, but obviously I have to tell it there you go. I like that one, this is very cool, is the specialist and bug removal?

Yes, so we've got content, that's related to our keyword, which is London. Pest control and we've also got all the size and related keywords in our H tags and our images also have those LSI keywords in embedding the thing as well: okay, regenerate you can download this. To be blunt, there is enough content and speed with our systems that we want you to have the latest. So if you come back to London pest control in a week or two or three weeks, the content in Google will have changed or you want it from a different area and you want it with a different word count or you want to change it. A little bit you can use spin sentences or spin paragraphs by the way. If you use this one, there is a warning. This will affect our modules work because it will randomize things to such a degree. Sometimes you'll have information on there that are from there. The modules - and sometimes you won't because that's what random means up here - I just want to do this quickly. You can change the mode personally, I like the dark mode - and this is very, very clean, dark mode for me is a lot easier on the eyes. You can manage your subscription. So if you started today with a entry level and at the moment, we've got a 10 % reduction on your membership ongoing and then suddenly, like some of our people have within the first week on from here to say. Expert couple have actually gone to extreme.

Menterprise Article Generator - How to Do It Right

Now. How we've done this? This is a truly Menterprise version, and this is not a cheap software. It'S taken us since January February, 2018 and then through 2019 to develop this to this point. So it's it's very, very powerful, so it goes by engines. This is one engine. One engine with more words: this is two engines, and this is four engines I like extreme, because I do quite a lot of work and I also go through quite a lot of words. I'D blow through four million words within two weeks, which I can show you up here in a moment, so this four engines is necessarily four times faster than one engine. It'S like it's expansion, initial exponential! Sorry, where it's you know it's four times something and it's up to 16 times faster in some other aspects, because we're threading things together. Engines just work, mind low glowingly far, so imagine if this was say ten minutes to generate 14 articles. This would be say five or six minutes, and this would be three to four minutes. You'Ve also got a huge advantage here.


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There will be advanced modules that are only available here, like the redirect there will be other things here with feature requests. Some of our users are already asking or suggesting that we add certain things to our modules. Some of them will be available to all users. Some of them will be exclusive to these groups. Here you can change your membership at any time. If you listen to this before we go, live and submit September, then you will save the temp sent on your initial purchase as well as your ongoing membership. Okay up here, this is an extreme package that I've just upgraded to. For instance, I had an expert with two engines, so you can see here it's provisioning in the next two, so when they have been provisioned, which normally takes two to three days, these will go for green lights. Here is my word count for the month. I started using this on the 24th of July. I'Ve already gone through nearly four million words, so I did go through about eight or nine million per month. This has just been introduced. This is where we will give you some quick news. A little feature require updates and things like that. We'Re constantly upgrading our systems to make it better.


So, in all fairness, if you came here today - and you only had these - if you hit any of these this area here - and you said okay - I want to produce something for paintball Ontario, you just hit generate new or clear pages and say generate new, and then It would just take a few minutes to be able to do that, and then you can control some of it. What you put in here, you can clear them all or if you're in this these areas, they will allow you to clear any of the modules within that area. If you needed to experiment all right, this is something very new. It'S extremely fast. You don't lose word count every time you regenerate nope, it's free regeneration. If Yuri spin, it's free, so those 14 articles that I had there before. I could use again and again and again now. The purpose for me is to use it for mass linking strategies and math pages. We'Ve got people using the articles for their clients, whether using it on their posts, our web designer uses it for our clients on their posts, or you know, monthlies we charge anywhere between 250 and thousand dollars a month for that. Some people are all really starting to sell the articles because they can generate articles in seconds and sell them for twenty to fifty dollars with or without spintax. Okay. Now I hope that helps you. I wish you very much success. Do remember that we are updating and you know redesigning things as we go along and there you go. I hope you have a wonderful day bye for now.

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